In this website are available the codes used to reproduce the analysis and results of the paper describing the pliman R package
(plant image analysis) is designed to analyze plant images, especially related to leaf and grains. The package will help you to:
- Measure leaf area;
- Measure disease severity;
- Count the number of lesions;
- Obtain the shape of lesions;
- Produce Standard Area Diagrams;
- Count objects in an image;
- Get object features (area, perimeter, radius, circularity, eccentricity, solidity);
- Get the RGB values for each object in an image;
- Get the object coordinates;
- Get the object contours;
- Get convex hulls;
- Isolate objects;
- Plot object measures.
also provides useful functions for operation, transformation, and segmentation of images. Please, visit the Examples page in pliman
website for a detailed documentation of each function.
How to reproduce?
- Download data
To download the files and code needed for reproducing the results, first clone the project with
://github.com/TiagoOlivoto/paper_pliman.git git clone https
An alternative way is by downloading the ZIP file containing the scripts and all needed images (~365 MB)
- Reproducing
- Open the
file in RStudio. - Optionally change functions and arguments.
- Knit the document to see the results.
- Open the
Take a look!
The following talk (Portuguese language) was ministered to attend the invitation of the President of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society (RBras).