Sample images installed with the pliman package
Flax leaves in a white backgroundflax_grains.jpg
Flax grains with background light.la_back.jpg
A cyan palette representing the background of images la_pattern, la_leaves, and soybean_touch.la_leaf.jpg
A sample of the leaves inla_leaves
Tree leaves with a sample of known area.mult_leaves.jpg
Three soybean leaflets with soybean rust symptoms.objects_300dpi.jpg
An image with 300 dpi resolution.potato_leaves.jpg
Three potato leaves, which were gathered from Gupta et al. (2020).sev_leaf.jpg
A soybean leaf with a blue background.sev_leaf_nb.jpg
A soybean leaf without background.sev_back.jpg
A blue palette representing the background ofsev_leaf
Healthy area ofsev_leaf
The symptomatic areasev_leaf
A shaded leaf, useful to test adaptive thresholdingsoy_green.jpg
Soybean grains with a white background.soybean_grain.jpg
A sample palette of the grains insoy_green
Soybean grains with a cyan background touching one each other.field_mosaic.jpg
An UVA image from a soybean field.
Gupta, S., Rosenthal, D. M., Stinchcombe, J. R., & Baucom, R. S. (2020). The remarkable morphological diversity of leaf shape in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas): the influence of genetics, environment, and G×E. New Phytologist, 225(5), 2183–2195. doi:10.1111/NPH.16286
Tiago Olivoto