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  • plot_contour() Plot contour lines.

  • plot_polygon() Plots a polygon describing the objects.

  • plot_mass() Plots the center of mass along with maximum and minimum radius.

  • plot_ellipse() Plots an ellipse that fits the major and minor axis for each object.


plot_contour(x, id = NULL, col = "black", lwd = 1, ...)

  fill = "gray",
  random_fill = TRUE,
  points = FALSE,
  merge = TRUE,
  border = "black",
  alpha = 1,
  add = FALSE,
  nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  aspect_ratio = 1,
  show_id = TRUE,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,

plot_mass(x, id = NULL, col = "black", cex = 1, lwd = 1)

plot_ellipse(object, id = NULL, col = "black", lwd = 1)



A 2-column matrix with the x and y coordinates.


The object identification (numeric) to plot the contour/ellipse. By default (id = NULL), the contour is plotted to all objects.

col, lwd, cex

The color, width of the lines, and size of point, respectively.

fill, border, alpha

The color to fill the polygon, the color of the polygon's border, and the alpha transparency (1 opaque, 0 transparent).


Fill multiple objects with random colors? Defaults to TRUE.


Plot the points? Defaults to FALSE.


Merge multiple objects into a single plot? Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, a single call plot() will be used for each objects. Use nrow and ncol to control the number of rows and columns of the window.


Add the current plot to a previous one? Defaults to FALSE.

nrow, ncol

The number of rows and columns to use in the composite image. Defaults to NULL, i.e., a square grid is produced.


The x/y aspect ratio. Defaults to 1. This will set up the window so that one data unit in the y direction is equal to one data unit in the x direction. Set aspect_ratio = NULL to fit the object to the window size.


Shows the object id? Defaults to TRUE.

xlim, ylim

A numeric vector of length 2 (min; max) indicating the range of x and y-axes.


An object computed with analyze_objects().


a NULL object.


plot_contour(contours[[1]], id = 6, col = "red", lwd = 3)