Cross-validation procedures for AMMI and BLUP
Tiago Olivoto
Getting started
In this section, we will use the data in data_ge
. For
more information, please, see ?data_ge
. Other data sets can
be used provided that the following columns are in the dataset:
environment, genotype, block/replicate and response variable(s). See the
section Rendering engine to know how HTML
tables were generated.
Predictive accuracy
The predictive accucary of both AMMI and BLUP models may be obtained
using a cross-validation procedure implemented by the functions
and cv_blup()
function provides a complete cross-validation
procedure for all member of AMMI model family (AMMI0-AMMIF) using
replicate-based data, according to the diagram below. Automatically the
first validation is carried out considering the AMMIF (all possible axis
used). Considering this model, the original data set is split up into
two sets: training set and validation set.

Diagram for cross-validation of AMMI models.
The training set has all combinations (genotype x environment) with
the number of replications informed in nrepval
The validation set has one replication that were not included in the
training set. The splitting of the data set into training and validation
sets depends on the design considered. For a Randomized Complete Block
Design (default option) and the procedure we used in the article,
completely blocks are randomly selected within environments, as
suggested by Piepho (1994). The remaining block serves as
validation data. If design = "CRD"
is informed, thus
declaring that a completely randomized design was used, single
observations are randomized for each treatment (genotype-by-environment
combination). This is the same procedure suggested by Gauch and Zobel (1988). The estimated values for each
member of the AMMI model family in each re-sampling cycle are compared
with the observed values in the validation data. Then, the Root Mean
Square Prediction Difference is computed as follows:
\[ RMSPD = {\left[ {\left( {\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {{{\left( {{{\hat y}_{ij}} - {y_{ij}}} \right)}^2}} } \right)/n} \right]^{0.5}} \]
where \(\widehat{y}_{ij}\) is the
model predicted value; and \(y_{ij}\)
is the observed value in the validation set. The number of random
selection of blocks/replicates (n) is defined in the argument
. At the end of the n cycles for all models,
a list with all estimated RMSPD and the average of RMSPD is
Cross-validation for AMMI model
The following code computes the cross-validation of the oat data using the AMMI model. There are two options for doing that. The first is to perform the cross-validation for a specific member of the AMMI-family model. The second (and more realistic) is to perform the cross-validation for all AMMI-family models in the same procedure.
Declaring the number of axes
The function cv_ammi()
is used to compute a
cross-validation procedure for the AMMI0, AMMI2 and AMMIF (9 axes)
The function cv_ammif()
is used to compute a
cross-validation procedure for all members of the AMMI-family model. In
this case, AMMI0-AMMI9.
AMMIF <- cv_ammif(data_ge, ENV, GEN, REP, GY)
Cross-validation for BLUP prediction
The function cv_blup()
provides a cross-validation of
replicate-based data using mixed models. By default, complete blocks are
randomly selected for each environment. Using the argument
it is possible to chose the random effects of the
model, as shown bellow.
Genotype and genotype-vs-environment as random effects
BLUP_g <- cv_blup(data_ge, ENV, GEN, REP, GY, random = "gen")
Environment, replication-within-environment and interaction as random effects
BLUP_e <- cv_blup(data_ge, ENV, GEN, REP, GY, random = "env")
A random model (all terms as random effects)
BLUP_ge <- cv_blup(data_ge, ENV, GEN, REP, GY, random = "all")
Printing the means of RMSPD estimates
bind_mod <- bind_cv(AMMIF, BLUP_g, bind = "means")
The table above showns the descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, standar error of the mean, and quantiles 2.5% and 97.5%) of the 100 RMSPD estimates for each model, and are presented from the most accurate model (smallest RMSPD mean) to the least accurate model (highest RMSPD mean).
Plotting the RMSPD values
The values of the RMSPD estimates obtained in the cross-validation
process may be plotted using the functionplot()
bind1 <- bind_cv(AMMI0, AMMI2, AMMI9)
bind2 <- bind_cv(AMMIF, BLUP_g, BLUP_e, BLUP_ge)
a <- plot(bind1, violin = TRUE)
b <- plot(bind2,
width.boxplot = 0.6,
order_box = TRUE,
plot_theme = theme_metan_minimal())
arrange_ggplot(a, b, tag_levels = "a")
Six statistics are shown in this boxplot. The mean (black rhombus),
the median (black line), the lower and upper hinges that correspond sto
the first and third quartiles (the 25th and 75th percentiles,
respectively). The upper whisker extends from the hinge to the largest
value no further than \(1.5\times{IQR}\) from the hinge (where IQR
is the inter-quartile range). The lower whisker extends from the hinge
to the smallest value at most \(1.5\times{IQR}\) of the hinge. Data beyond
the end of the whiskers are considered outlying points. If the condition
violin = TRUE
, a violin plot is added along with the
boxplot. A violin plot is a compact display of a continuous distribution
displayed in the same way as a boxplot.
Rendering engine
This vignette was built with pkgdown. All tables were produced
with the package DT
using the
following function.
library(DT) # Used to make the tables
# Function to make HTML tables
print_table <- function(table, rownames = FALSE, digits = 3, ...){
df <- datatable(table, rownames = rownames, extensions = 'Buttons',
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
dom = '<<t>Bp>',
buttons = c('copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print')), ...)
num_cols <- c(as.numeric(which(sapply(table, class) == "numeric")))
if(length(num_cols) > 0){
formatSignif(df, columns = num_cols, digits = digits)
} else{