Analyzing multienvironment trials using BLUP
Tiago Olivoto
Getting started
In this section, we will use the data in data_ge
. For
more information, please, see ?data_ge
. Other data sets can
be used provided that the following columns are in the dataset:
environment, genotype, block/replicate and response variable(s). See the
section Rendering engine to know how HTML
tables were generated.
The first step is to inspect the data with the function
Analysis of single experiments using mixed-models
The function gamem()
may be used to analyze single
experiments (one-way experiments) using a mixed-effect model according
to the following model:
y_{ij}= \mu + \alpha_i + \tau_j + \varepsilon_{ij}
\] where \(y_{ij}\) is the value
observed for the ith genotype in the jth replicate
(i = 1, 2, … g; j = 1, 2, .., r);
being g and r the number of genotypes and replicates,
respectively; \(\alpha_i\) is the
random effect of the ith genotype; \(\tau_j\) is the fixed effect of the
jth replicate; and \(\varepsilon_{ij}\) is the random error
associated to \(y_{ij}\). In this
example, we will use the example data data_g
from metan
<- gamem(data_g, GEN, REP,
gen_mod resp = c(ED, CL, CD, KW, TKW, NKR))
# Evaluating trait ED |======= | 17% 00:00:00
|=============== | 33% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait CL |====================== | 50% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait CD |============================= | 67% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait KW |==================================== | 83% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait TKW |===========================================| 100% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait NKR # Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN
# Fixed effects: REP
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Complete NA NA NA NA NA NA
# Genotype 2.73e-05 2.25e-06 0.118 0.0253 0.00955 0.216
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables with nonsignificant Genotype effect
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The easiest way of obtaining the results of the model above is by
using the function get_model_data()
. Let’s do it.
- Details of the analysis
get_model_data(gen_mod, "details") %>% print_table()
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: details
- Likelihood ratio test for genotype effect
get_model_data(gen_mod, "lrt") %>% print_table()
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: lrt
- Variance components and genetic parameters
get_model_data(gen_mod, "genpar") %>% print_table()
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: genpar
- Predicted means
get_model_data(gen_mod, "blupg") %>% print_table()
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: blupg
In the above example, the experimental design was a complete
randomized block. It is also possible to analyze an experiment conducted
in an alpha-lattice design with the function gamem()
. In
this case, the following model is fitted:
\[ y_{ijk}= \mu + \alpha_i + \gamma_j + (\gamma \tau)_{jk} + \varepsilon_{ijk} \]
where \(y_{ijk}\) is the observed
value of the ith genotype in the kth block of the
jth replicate (i = 1, 2, … g; j = 1,
2, .., r; k = 1, 2, .., b); respectively;
\(\alpha_i\) is the random effect of
the ith genotype; \(\gamma_j\)
is the fixed effect of the jth complete replicate; \((\gamma \tau)_{jk}\) is the random effect
of the kth incomplete block nested within the j
replicate; and \(\varepsilon_{ijk}\) is
the random error associated to \(y_{ijk}\). In this example, we will use the
example data data_alpha
from metan package.
gen_alpha <- gamem(data_alpha, GEN, REP, YIELD, block = BLOCK)
# Evaluating trait YIELD |=========================================| 100% 00:00:00
# Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN, BLOCK(REP)
# Fixed effects: REP
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model YIELD
# Complete NA
# Genotype 1.18e-06
# rep:block 3.35e-03
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype effect
get_model_data(gen_alpha, "lrt") %>% print_table()
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: lrt
The BLUP model for MET trials
The simplest and well-known linear model with interaction effect used to analyze data from multi-environment trials is \[ {y_{ijk}} = {\rm{ }}\mu {\rm{ }} + \mathop \alpha \nolimits_i + \mathop \tau \nolimits_j + \mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{ij} + \mathop \gamma \nolimits_{jk} + {\rm{ }}\mathop \varepsilon \nolimits_{ijk} \]
where \({y_{ijk}}\) is the response variable (e.g., grain yield) observed in the kth block of the ith genotype in the jth environment (i = 1, 2, …, g; j = 1, 2, …, e; k = 1, 2, …, b); \(\mu\) is the grand mean; \(\mathop \alpha \nolimits_i\) is the effect of the ith genotype; \(\mathop \tau \nolimits_j\) is the effect of the jth environment; \(\mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{ij}\) is the interaction effect of the ith genotype with the jth environment; \(\mathop \gamma \nolimits_{jk}\) is the effect of the kth block within the jth environment; and \(\mathop \varepsilon \nolimits_{ijk}\) is the random error. In a mixed-effect model assuming \({\alpha _i}\) and \(\mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{ij}\) to be random effects, the above model can be rewritten as follows
\[ {\boldsymbol{y = X\beta + Zu + \varepsilon }} \]
where y is an \(n[ = \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^e {(gb)]} \times 1\) vector of response variable \({\bf{y}} = {\rm{ }}{\left[ {{y_{111}},{\rm{ }}{y_{112}},{\rm{ }} \ldots ,{\rm{ }}{y_{geb}}} \right]^\prime }\); \({\bf{\beta }}\) is an \((eb) \times 1\) vector of unknown fixed effects \({\boldsymbol{\beta }} = [\mathop \gamma \nolimits_{11} ,\mathop \gamma \nolimits_{12} ,...,\mathop \gamma \nolimits_{eb} ]'\); u is an \(m[ = g + ge] \times 1\) vector of random effects \({\boldsymbol{u}} = {\rm{ }}{\left[ {{\alpha _1},{\alpha _2},...,{\alpha _g},\mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{11} ,\mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{12} ,...,\mathop {(\alpha \tau )}\nolimits_{ge} } \right]^\prime }\); X is an \(n \times (eb)\) design matrix relating y to \({\bf{\beta }}\); Z is an \(n \times m\) design matrix relating y to u ; \({\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }}\) is an \(n \times 1\) vector of random errors \({\boldsymbol{\varepsilon }} = {\rm{ }}{\left[ {{y_{111}},{\rm{ }}{y_{112}},{\rm{ }} \ldots ,{\rm{ }}{y_{geb}}} \right]^\prime }\);
The vectors \({\boldsymbol{\beta }}\) and u are estimated using the well-known mixed model equation (Henderson 1975). \[ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\boldsymbol{\hat \beta }}}\\{{\bf{\hat u}}}\end{array}} \right]{\bf{ = }}{\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\bf{X'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{X}}}&{{\bf{X'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{Z}}}\\{{\bf{Z'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{X}}}&{{\bf{Z'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{Z + }}{{\bf{G}}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}}\end{array}} \right]^ - }\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\bf{X'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{y}}}\\{{\bf{Z'}}{{\bf{R }}^{ - {\bf{1}}}}{\bf{y}}}\end{array}} \right] \] where G and R are the variance-covariance matrices for random-effect vector u and residual vector \({\bf{\varepsilon }}\), respectively.
The function gamem_met()
is used to fit the linear
mixed-effect model. The first argument is the data, in our example
. The arguments (env
, gen
and rep
) are the name of the columns that contains the
levels for environments, genotypes, and replications, respectively.The
argument (resp
) is the response variable to be analyzed.
The function allow a single variable (in this case GY) or a vector of
response variables. Here, we will use everything()
analyse all numeric variables in the data. By default, genotype and
genotype-vs-environment interaction are assumed to be random effects.
Other effects may be considered using the random
The last argument (verbose
) control if the code is run
silently or not.
mixed_mod gamem_met(data_ge,
env = ENV,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = everything(),
random = "gen", #Default
verbose = TRUE) #Default
# Evaluating trait GY |====================== | 50% 00:00:01
|============================================| 100% 00:00:03
Evaluating trait HM # Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN, GEN:ENV
# Fixed effects: ENV, REP(ENV)
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model GY HM
# GEN 1.11e-05 5.07e-03
# GEN:ENV 2.15e-11 2.27e-15
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype-vs-environment interaction
Diagnostic plot for residuals
The S3 generic function plot()
is used to generate
diagnostic plots of residuals of the model.
# `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
# `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
The normality of the random effects of genotype and interaction
effects may be also obtained by using type = "re"
plot(mixed_mod, type = "re")
Printing the model outputs
Likelihood Ratio Tests
The output LRT
contains the Likelihood Ratio Tests for
genotype and genotype-vs-environment random effects. We can get these
values with get_model_data()
data <- get_model_data(mixed_mod, "lrt")
Variance components and genetic parameters
In the output ESTIMATES
, beyond the variance components
for the declared random effects, some important parameters are also
shown. Heribatility is the broad-sense heritability,
\(\mathop h\nolimits_g^2\), estimated
by \[
\mathop h\nolimits_g^2 = \frac{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2}
{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma}
\nolimits_i^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_e^2 }
where \(\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2\) is the genotypic variance; \(\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_i^2\) is the genotype-by-environment interaction variance; and \(\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_e^2\) is the residual variance.
GEIr2 is the coefficient of determination of the interaction effects, \(\mathop r\nolimits_i^2\), estimated by
\[ \mathop r\nolimits_i^2 = \frac{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_i^2} {\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_i^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_e^2 } \] Heribatility of means is the heribability on the mean basis, \(\mathop h\nolimits_{gm}^2\), estimated by
\[ \mathop h\nolimits_{gm}^2 = \frac{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2}{[\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_i^2 /e + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_e^2 /\left( {eb} \right)]} \]
where e and b are the number of environments and blocks, respectively; Accuracy is the accuracy of selection, Ac, estimated by \[ Ac = \sqrt{\mathop h\nolimits_{gm}^2} \]
rge is the genotype-environment correlation, \(\mathop r\nolimits_{ge}\), estimated by
\[ \mathop r\nolimits_{ge} = \frac{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2}{\mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_g^2 + \mathop {\hat\sigma} \nolimits_i^2} \]
CVg and CVr are the the genotypic coefficient of variation and the residual coefficient of variation estimated, respectively, by \[ CVg = \left( {\sqrt {\mathop {\hat \sigma }\nolimits_g^2 } /\mu } \right) \times 100 \] and \[ CVr = \left( {\sqrt {\mathop {\hat \sigma }\nolimits_e^2 } /\mu } \right) \times 100 \] where \(\mu\) is the grand mean.
CV ratio is the ratio between genotypic and residual coefficient of variation.
data <- get_model_data(mixed_mod)
# Class of the model: waasb
# Variable extracted: genpar
BLUP for genotypes
The function get_model_data()
may be used to easily get
the data from a model fitted with the function gamem_met()
especially when more than one variables are used. The following code
return the predicted mean of each genotype for five variables of the
data data_ge2
get_model_data(mixed_mod, what = "blupg")
# Class of the model: waasb
# Variable extracted: blupg
# # A tibble: 10 × 3
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 G1 2.62 47.4
# 2 G10 2.51 48.4
# 3 G2 2.73 47.1
# 4 G3 2.90 47.8
# 5 G4 2.65 48.0
# 6 G5 2.56 48.9
# 7 G6 2.56 48.5
# 8 G7 2.73 48.0
# 9 G8 2.94 48.8
# 10 G9 2.54 48.0
Plotting the BLUP for genotypes
a <- plot_blup(mixed_mod)
b <- plot_blup(mixed_mod,
col.shape = c("gray20", "gray80"),
plot_theme = theme_metan(grid = "y")) +
arrange_ggplot(a, b, tag_levels = "a")
This output shows the predicted means for genotypes. BLUPg is the genotypic effect \((\hat{g}_{i})\), which considering balanced data and genotype as random effect is estimated by
\[ \hat{g}_{i} = h_g^2(\bar{y}_{i.}-\bar{y}_{..}) \]
where \(h_g^2\) is the shrinkage effect for genotype. Predicted is the predicted mean estimated by \[ \hat{g}_{i}+\mu \]
where \(\mu\) is the grand mean. LL and UL are the lower and upper limits, respectively, estimated by \[ (\hat{g}_{i}+\mu)\pm{CI} \] with \[ CI = t\times\sqrt{((1-Ac)\times{\mathop \sigma \nolimits_g^2)}} \]
where \(t\) is the Student’s t value for a two-tailed t test at a given probability error; \(Ac\) is the accuracy of selection and \(\mathop \sigma \nolimits_g^2\) is the genotypic variance.
BLUP for genotypes X environment combination
This output shows the predicted means for each genotype and environment combination. BLUPg is the genotypic effect described above. BLUPge is the genotypic effect of the ith genotype in the jth environment \((\hat{g}_{ij})\), which considering balanced data and genotype as random effect is estimated by \[\hat{g}_{ij} = h_g^2(\bar{y}_{i.}-\bar{y}_{..})+h_{ge}^2(y_{ij}-\bar{y}_{i.}-\bar{y}_{.j}+\bar{y}_{..})\] where \(h_{ge}^2\) is the shrinkage effect for the genotype-by-environment interaction; BLUPg+ge is \(BLUP_g+BLUP_{ge}\); Predicted is the predicted mean (\(\hat{y}_{ij}\)) estimated by \[ \hat{y}_{ij} = \bar{y}_{.j}+BLUP_{g+ge} \]
Some useful information
The following pieces of information are provided in
output. Nenv, the number of
environments in the analysis; Ngen the number of
genotypes in the analysis; mresp The value attributed
to the highest value of the response variable after rescaling it;
wresp The weight of the response variable for
estimating the WAASBY index. Mean the grand mean;
SE the standard error of the mean; SD
the standard deviation. CV the coefficient of variation
of the phenotypic means, estimating WAASB, Min the
minimum value observed (returning the genotype and environment),
Max the maximum value observed (returning the genotype
and environment); MinENV the environment with the lower
mean, MaxENV the environment with the larger mean
observed, MinGEN the genotype with the lower mean,
MaxGEN the genotype with the larger.
data <- get_model_data(mixed_mod, "details")
# Class of the model: waasb
# Variable extracted: details
The WAASB object
The function waasb()
function computes the Weighted
Average of the Absolute Scores considering all possible IPCA from the
Singular Value Decomposition of the BLUPs for genotype-vs-environment
interaction effects obtained by an Linear Mixed-effect Model (Olivoto et al. 2019), as follows:
\[ WAASB_i = \sum_{k = 1}^{p} |IPCA_{ik} \times EP_k|/ \sum_{k = 1}^{p}EP_k \]
where \(WAASB_i\) is the weighted average of absolute scores of the ith genotype; \(IPCA_{ik}\) is the scores of the ith genotype in the kth IPCA; and \(EP_k\) is the explained variance of the kth PCA for \(k = 1,2,..,p\), \(p = min(g-1; e-1)\).
waasb_model waasb(data_ge,
env = ENV,
gen = GEN,
rep = REP,
resp = everything(),
random = "gen", #Default
verbose = TRUE) #Default
# Evaluating trait GY |====================== | 50% 00:00:02
|============================================| 100% 00:00:05
Evaluating trait HM # Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN, GEN:ENV
# Fixed effects: ENV, REP(ENV)
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model GY HM
# GEN 1.11e-05 5.07e-03
# GEN:ENV 2.15e-11 2.27e-15
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype-vs-environment interaction
<- waasb_model$GY$model
data print_table(data)
The output generated by the waasb()
function is very
similar to those generated by the waas()
function. The main
difference here, is that the singular value decomposition is based on
the BLUP for GEI effects matrix.
Eigenvalues of the BLUP_GEI matrix
data <- waasb_model$GY$PCA
plot_eigen(waasb_model, size.lab = 14, size.tex.lab = 14)
The above output shows the eigenvalues and the proportion of variance explained by each principal component axis of the BLUP interaction effects matrix.
Provided that an object of class waasb
is available in
the global environment, the graphics may be obtained using the function
. To do that, we will revisit the previusly
fitted model WAASB
. Please, refer to
for more details. Four types of graphics can
be generated: 1 = \(PC1 \times PC2\); 2
= \(GY \times PC1\); 3 = \(GY \times WAASB\); and 4 = a graphic with
nominal yield as a function of the environment PCA1 scores.
biplot type 1: GY x PC1
c <- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 1)
d <- plot_scores(waasb_model,
type = 1,
col.gen = "black",
col.env = "red",
col.segm.env = "red",
axis.expand = 1.5)
arrange_ggplot(c, d, tag_levels = list(c("c", "d")))
biplot type 2: PC1 x PC2
e <- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 2)
f <- plot_scores(waasb_model,
type = 2,
polygon = TRUE,
col.segm.env = "transparent",
plot_theme = theme_metan_minimal())
arrange_ggplot(e, f, tag_levels = list(c("e", "f")))
biplot type 3: GY x WAASB
The quadrants proposed by Olivoto et al. (2019) in the following biplot represent four classifications regarding the joint interpretation of mean performance and stability. The genotypes or environments included in quadrant I can be considered unstable genotypes or environments with high discrimination ability, and with productivity below the grand mean. In quadrant II are included unstable genotypes, although with productivity above the grand mean. The environments included in this quadrant deserve special attention since, in addition to providing high magnitudes of the response variable, they present a good discrimination ability. Genotypes within quadrant III have low productivity, but can be considered stable due to the lower values of WAASB. The lower this value, the more stable the genotype can be considered. The environments included in this quadrant can be considered as poorly productive and with low discrimination ability. The genotypes within the quadrant IV are highly productive and broadly adapted due to the high magnitude of the response variable and high stability performance (lower values of WAASB).
g <- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 3)
h <- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 3,
x.lab = "My customized x label",
size.shape.gen = 3,
size.tex.gen = 2,
x.lim = c(1.2, 4.7),
x.breaks = seq(1.5, 4.5, by = 0.5),
plot_theme = theme_metan(color.background = "white"))
arrange_ggplot(g, h, tag_levels = list(c("g", "h")))
To obtain the WAASB index for a set of variables, the function
is used, as shown bellow.
waasb(data_ge2, ENV, GEN, REP,
resp = c(PH, ED, TKW, NKR)) %>%
get_model_data(what = "WAASB") %>%
# Evaluating trait PH |=========== | 25% 00:00:02
|====================== | 50% 00:00:04
Evaluating trait ED |================================ | 75% 00:00:07
Evaluating trait TKW |===========================================| 100% 00:00:08
Evaluating trait NKR # Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN, GEN:ENV
# Fixed effects: ENV, REP(ENV)
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# model PH ED TKW NKR
# GEN 9.39e-01 2.99e-01 1.00e+00 0.78738
# GEN:ENV 1.09e-13 1.69e-08 4.21e-10 0.00404
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype-vs-environment interaction
# Class of the model: waasb
# Variable extracted: WAASB
biplot type 4 : nominal yield and environment IPCA1
i <- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 4)
j <- plot_scores(waasb_model,
type = 4,
size.tex.gen = 1.5,
color = FALSE,
col.alpha.gen = 0,
col.alpha.env = 0,
plot_theme = theme_metan(color.background = "white"))
arrange_ggplot(i, j, tag_levels = list(c("i", "j")))
Simultaneous selection for mean performance and stability
The waasby index is used for genotype ranking considering both the stability (waasb) and mean performance (y) based on the following model (Olivoto et al. 2019).
\[ waasby_i = \frac{{\left( {r {Y_i} \times {\theta _Y}} \right) + \left( {r {W_i} \times {\theta _W}} \right)}}{{{\theta _Y} + {\theta _W}}} \]
where \(waasby_i\) is the superiority index for the i-th genotype; \(rY_i\) and \(rW_i\) are the rescaled values (0-100) for the response variable (y) and the stability (WAAS or WAASB), respectively; \(\theta _Y\) and \(\theta_W\) are the weights for mean performance and stability, respectively.
This index was also already computed and stored into AMMI_model>GY>model. An intuitively plot may be obtained by running
i <- plot_waasby(waasb_model)
j <- plot_waasby(waasb_model, col.shape = c("gray20", "gray80"))
arrange_ggplot(i, j, tag_levels = list(c("e", "f")))
In the following example, we will apply the function
to the previously fitted model
waasb_model aiming at planning different scenarios of
waasby estimation by changing the weights assigned to
the stability and the mean performance.vThe number of scenarios is
defined by the arguments increment
. By default, twenty-one
different scenarios are computed. In this case, the the superiority
index waasby is computed considering the following
weights: stability (waasb or waas) = 100; mean performance = 0. In other
words, only stability is considered for genotype ranking. In the next
iteration, the weights becomes 95/5 (since increment = 5). In the third
scenario, the weights become 90/10, and so on up to these weights become
0/100. In the last iteration, the genotype ranking for WAASY or WAASBY
matches perfectly with the ranks of the response variable.
<- wsmp(waasb_model)
scenarios # Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 1% 00:00:00
0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 1% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 2% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 2% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 3% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 3% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 4% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 4% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 5% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 5% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 6% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 6% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 7% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 7% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 8% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 8% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 9% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 10% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 10% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 11% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 11% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 12% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 12% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 13% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 13% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 14% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 14% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 15% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 15% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 16% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 16% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 17% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 17% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 18% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |==== | 19% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |==== | 19% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 20% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 20% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 21% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 21% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 22% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 22% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 23% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 23% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |===== | 24% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 24% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 25% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 25% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 26% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 26% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 27% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 28% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 28% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 29% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 29% 00:00:06
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Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 30% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 31% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 31% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 32% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 32% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 33% 00:00:08
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Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |====== | 34% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 34% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 35% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 35% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 36% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 37% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 37% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 38% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 38% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======= | 39% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======= | 39% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 40% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 40% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 41% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 41% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 42% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 42% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 43% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 43% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 44% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 44% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 45% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 46% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 46% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 47% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 47% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 48% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 48% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 49% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 49% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 50% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 50% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 51% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 51% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 52% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 52% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 53% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 53% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 54% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 54% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 55% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 56% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 56% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 57% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 57% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 58% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 58% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 59% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 59% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 60% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 60% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 61% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 61% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 62% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 62% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 63% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 63% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 64% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 65% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 65% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 66% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============= | 66% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============= | 67% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 67% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 68% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 68% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 69% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 69% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 70% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 70% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 71% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============== | 71% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 72% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 72% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 73% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 74% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 74% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 75% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 75% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 76% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 76% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 77% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 77% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 78% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 78% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 79% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 79% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 80% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 80% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 81% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |=============== | 81% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 82% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 83% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 83% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 84% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 84% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 85% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 85% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 86% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================ | 86% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================ | 87% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 87% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 88% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 88% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 89% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 89% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 90% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 90% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |================== | 91% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |================== | 92% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |================== | 92% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 93% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 93% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 94% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 94% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 95% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 95% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 96% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 96% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 97% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 97% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 98% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 98% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 99% 00:00:22
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 99% 00:00:23
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 100% 00:00:23
Ranks considering # Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 1% 00:00:00
0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 1% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 2% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB | | 2% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 3% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 3% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 4% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 4% 00:00:00
Ranks considering 0 for GY and 100 for WAASB |= | 5% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 5% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 6% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 6% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 7% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |= | 7% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 8% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 8% 00:00:01
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 9% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 5 for GY and 95 for WAASB |== | 10% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 10% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 11% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 11% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 12% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 12% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |== | 13% 00:00:02
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 13% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 14% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 10 for GY and 90 for WAASB |=== | 14% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 15% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 15% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 16% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 16% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 17% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 17% 00:00:03
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |=== | 18% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |==== | 19% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 15 for GY and 85 for WAASB |==== | 19% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 20% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 20% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 21% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 21% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 22% 00:00:04
Ranks considering 20 for GY and 80 for WAASB |==== | 22% 00:00:05
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Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 24% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 25% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 25% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 26% 00:00:05
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 26% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 27% 00:00:06
Ranks considering 25 for GY and 75 for WAASB |===== | 28% 00:00:06
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Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 29% 00:00:06
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Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 30% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 31% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 31% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 32% 00:00:07
Ranks considering 30 for GY and 70 for WAASB |====== | 32% 00:00:07
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Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |====== | 34% 00:00:07
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Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 35% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 35% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 36% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 37% 00:00:08
Ranks considering 35 for GY and 65 for WAASB |======= | 37% 00:00:08
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Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======= | 39% 00:00:08
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Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 40% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 40% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 41% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 41% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 40 for GY and 60 for WAASB |======== | 42% 00:00:09
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Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 43% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 44% 00:00:09
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |======== | 44% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 45% 00:00:10
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Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 46% 00:00:10
Ranks considering 45 for GY and 55 for WAASB |========= | 47% 00:00:10
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Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 49% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 49% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========= | 50% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 50% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 51% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 51% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 52% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 50 for GY and 50 for WAASB |========== | 52% 00:00:11
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 53% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 53% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 54% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 54% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |========== | 55% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 56% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 56% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 57% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 55 for GY and 45 for WAASB |=========== | 57% 00:00:12
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 58% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 58% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 59% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 59% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 60% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |=========== | 60% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 61% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 61% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 60 for GY and 40 for WAASB |============ | 62% 00:00:13
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 62% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 63% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 63% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 64% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 65% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 65% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============ | 66% 00:00:14
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Ranks considering 65 for GY and 35 for WAASB |============= | 67% 00:00:14
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 67% 00:00:15
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Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 69% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 69% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 70% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 70% 00:00:15
Ranks considering 70 for GY and 30 for WAASB |============= | 71% 00:00:15
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Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 72% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 72% 00:00:16
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Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 74% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 74% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 75% 00:00:16
Ranks considering 75 for GY and 25 for WAASB |============== | 75% 00:00:16
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Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 77% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 77% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 78% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 78% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 79% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 79% 00:00:17
Ranks considering 80 for GY and 20 for WAASB |=============== | 80% 00:00:17
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Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |=============== | 81% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 82% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 83% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 83% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 84% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 84% 00:00:18
Ranks considering 85 for GY and 15 for WAASB |================ | 85% 00:00:18
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Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================ | 86% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================ | 87% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 87% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 88% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 88% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 89% 00:00:19
Ranks considering 90 for GY and 10 for WAASB |================= | 89% 00:00:19
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Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |================== | 91% 00:00:20
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Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |================== | 92% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 93% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 93% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 94% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 94% 00:00:20
Ranks considering 95 for GY and 5 for WAASB |=================== | 95% 00:00:20
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Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 96% 00:00:21
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Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 97% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |================== | 97% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 98% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 98% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 99% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 99% 00:00:21
Ranks considering 100 for GY and 0 for WAASB |===================| 100% 00:00:21 Ranks considering
Printing the model outputs
In addition, the genotype ranking depending on the number of multiplicative terms used to estimate the WAAS index is also computed.
Plotting the heat map graphics
The first type of heatmap shows the genotype ranking depending on the number of principal component axes used for estimating the WAASB index. An euclidean distance-based dendrogram is used for grouping the genotypes based on their ranks. The second type of heatmap shows the genotype ranking depending on the WAASB/GY ratio. The ranks obtained with a ratio of 100/0 considers exclusively the stability for genotype ranking. On the other hand, a ratio of 0/100 considers exclusively the productivity for genotype ranking. Four clusters are estimated (1) unproductive and unstable genotypes; (2) productive, but unstable genotypes; (3) stable, but unproductive genotypes; and (4), productive and stable genotypes (Olivoto et al. 2019).
Ranks of genotypes depending on the number of PCA used to estimate the WAASB
plot(scenarios, type = 1)
Others BLUP-based stability indexes
Colombari Filho et al. (2013) have shown the use of three BLUP-based indexes for selecting genotypes with performance and stability. The first is the harmonic mean of genotypic values -or BLUPS- (HMGV) a stability index that considers the genotype with the highest harmonic mean across environments as the most stable, as follows:
\[ HMG{V_i} = \frac{E}{{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^E {\frac{1}{{BLUP{_{ij}}}}}}} \]
The second is the relative performance of genotypic values (RPGV), an adaptability index estimated as follows:
\[ RPGV_i = \frac{1}{e}{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^e {BLUP_{ij}} /\mathop \mu \nolimits_j } \]
The third and last is the harmonic mean of relative performance of genotypic values (HMRPGV), a simultaneous selection index for stability, adaptability and mean performance, estimated as follows:
\[ HMRPG{V_i} = \frac{E}{{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^E {\frac{1}{{BLUP{_{ij}}/{\mu _j}}}} }} \]
Res_ind <-
data_ge %>%
gamem_met(ENV, GEN, REP, GY, verbose = FALSE) %>%
# Warning: The WAASB index was not computed.
# Use an object computed with `waasb()` to get this index.
FAI-BLUP selection index
The FAI-BLUP is a multi-trait index based on factor analysis and
ideotype-design recentely proposed by Rocha,
Machado, and Carneiro (2018). It is based on factor analysis,
when the factorial scores of each ideotype are designed according to the
desirable and undesirable factors. Then, a spatial probability is
estimated based on genotype-ideotype distance, enabling genotype
ranking. Here we will use the mixed-model mod
as inpute
data. By default, the selection is made to increase the value of all
traits. Change this default with the arguments DI
data_g gamem(GEN, REP, everything()) %>%
fai_blup() %>%
# Evaluating trait PH |=== | 7% 00:00:00
|====== | 13% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait EH |========= | 20% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait EP |============ | 27% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait EL |=============== | 33% 00:00:00
Evaluating trait ED |================== | 40% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait CL |===================== | 47% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait CD |======================= | 53% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait CW |========================== | 60% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait KW |============================= | 67% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait NR |================================ | 73% 00:00:01
Evaluating trait NKR |================================== | 80% 00:00:02
Evaluating trait CDED |==================================== | 87% 00:00:02
Evaluating trait PERK |======================================== | 93% 00:00:02
Evaluating trait TKW |===========================================| 100% 00:00:02
Evaluating trait NKE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genotype 0.051 0.454 0.705 0.786 2.73e-05 2.25e-06 0.118 1.24e-05 0.0253
# 0.0056 0.216 9.14e-06 4.65e-07 0.00955 0.00952
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables with nonsignificant Genotype effect
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Principal Component Analysis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# eigen.values cumulative.var
# PC1 5.35 35.67
# PC2 4.76 67.41
# PC3 3.06 87.80
# PC4 0.87 93.61
# PC5 0.39 96.24
# PC6 0.30 98.25
# PC7 0.10 98.91
# PC8 0.08 99.44
# PC9 0.05 99.74
# PC10 0.04 99.98
# PC11 0.00 100.00
# PC12 0.00 100.00
# PC13 0.00 100.00
# PC14 0.00 100.00
# PC15 0.00 100.00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Factor Analysis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FA1 FA2 FA3 comunalits
# PH -0.05 -0.90 0.20 0.85
# EH 0.03 -0.77 0.57 0.91
# EP 0.14 -0.31 0.85 0.83
# EL 0.08 -0.13 -0.88 0.80
# ED 0.63 -0.70 -0.02 0.90
# CL 0.97 -0.02 -0.04 0.94
# CD 0.17 0.04 -0.95 0.94
# CW 0.89 -0.32 -0.14 0.91
# KW 0.36 -0.87 -0.29 0.98
# NR 0.03 -0.87 0.12 0.78
# NKR -0.73 -0.10 -0.47 0.77
# CDED 0.74 0.62 -0.07 0.94
# PERK -0.92 -0.12 0.00 0.86
# TKW 0.91 -0.09 -0.13 0.85
# NKE -0.49 -0.79 -0.19 0.90
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comunalit Mean: 0.8780411
# Selection differential
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[38;5;246m# A tibble: 15 × 9
# VAR Factor Xo Xs SD SDperc h2 SG SGperc
[38;5;250m 1
[39m CL 1 28.4 30.0 1.59 5.58 0.901 1.43 5.03
[38;5;250m 2
[39m CW 1 20.8 24.0 3.17 15.3 0.880 2.79 13.4
[38;5;250m 3
[39m NKR 1 30.4 30.5 0.060
[24m 0.198 0.452 0.027
[24m 0.089
[38;5;250m 4
[39m CDED 1 0.595 0.599 0.004
[24m 0.819 0.884 0.004
[24m 0.724
[38;5;250m 5
[39m PERK 1 87.6 86.9 -
[39m -
[39m 0.916 -
[39m -
[38;5;250m 6
[39m TKW 1 318. 323. 5.70 1.79 0.712 4.06 1.28
[38;5;250m 7
[39m PH 2 2.17 2.14 -
[39m -
[39m 0.610 -
[39m -
[38;5;250m 8
[39m EH 2 1.08 1.05 -
[39m -
[39m 0.308 -
[39m -
[38;5;250m 9
[39m ED 2 47.9 50.1 2.18 4.55 0.869 1.89 3.96
[39m KW 2 147. 156. 9.17 6.24 0.659 6.04 4.12
[39m NR 2 15.8 16.4 0.600 3.80 0.736 0.442 2.80
[39m NKE 2 468. 492. 23.9 5.10 0.713 17.0 3.64
[39m EP 3 0.496 0.492 -
[39m -
[39m 0.171 -
[39m -
[39m EL 3 14.7 14.7 0.047
[24m 0.325 0.126 0.006
[24m 0.040
[39m CD 3 15.8 16.2 0.437 2.77 0.532 0.233 1.47
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Selected genotypes
# H5 H2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
recognizes models fitted with bothgamem_met()
. For balanced data (all genotypes in all environments)waasb()
will return the same model. In case of unbalanced trials, the functionwaasb()
will return an error since a complete two-way table is required to the singular value decomposition procedure.
Rendering engine
This vignette was built with pkgdown. All tables were produced
with the package DT
using the
following function.
library(DT) # Used to make the tables
# Function to make HTML tables
print_table <- function(table, rownames = FALSE, digits = 3, ...){
df <- datatable(table, rownames = rownames, extensions = 'Buttons',
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
dom = '<<t>Bp>',
buttons = c('copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print')), ...)
num_cols <- c(as.numeric(which(sapply(table, class) == "numeric")))
if(length(num_cols) > 0){
formatSignif(df, columns = num_cols, digits = digits)
} else{